Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 5 - Video Comprehension Practice

Before the break we saw a couple of videos on food and cooking to practice the listening comrehension skills needed for your DS in early April.

I have created a variety of listening exercises that you can do online for extra practice before the class. They are a variety of sources to give you some fun ones, but remember that yours will be more scientific (not a music video) for your DS.

These activities use a program called NetQuiz which combines audio, video and interactive questions. I will not see your results, there is no grade, it is just for practice.

To navigate, click on the image of the activity below, it will open a new window like this:

You click on "Start" to begin the activity it opens a quiz with video and images.

The top of every page on the quiz looks like this:
 You have the "Submit" button (or "Check" button) on the right that will tell you if your answer(s) are right or wrong.

If you are stuck you can click on "Correct Answer" to see the solution for that page (only do this when you are really stuck, or there's no point).

You navigate the questions with the arrows at the top right.

If you have any problems working the quizzes, leave a comment on this blog post with questions.

EDIT (23/3/13): It looks like there is a problem with questions where you have to match pictures to words. For now, skip any questions that look like this:
Those blank boxes should be pictures that are not displaying properly.

To start with something easier and scientific, start with this activity which describes a fun chemistry experiment.

For something more scientific, try this radio program on cracking your knuckles (used as the DS in 2012).

For something more recent, listen to this news story on the European Meat Scandal.

For something a little harder (faster speaking with an American accent), try this video activity on the health benefits of chocolate.

For something more fun, work on this short clip from "The Big Bang Theory".

For something more musical, work on this music video by the American rock band "The Killers".

For a more challenging musical activity; work on this music video by the American Hip Hop group "The Black Eyed Peas".

Work on a couple of the video activities for practice and leave your comments or questions on the videos below. I would like to know what your think of the different exercises. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 4 - Phrasal Verbs and Reading on Alaska

We saw phrasal verbs in class today. These guys are one of the more frustrating parts of English because the meaning is often different from the literal meaning of the verb or preposition by itself.

Remember to look for the Verb + ¨Preposition pattern to recognize new phrasal verbs - and keep a list of the ones you have seen in a context. (for example, "He broke up with his girlfriend on her birthday. What a jerk!")

You can use this Phrasal Verb Dictionary to find new phrasal verbs you don't know. You can search for the verb, or the preposition.

Here is a list of commonly used phrasal verbs for you to reference. Try using a new one in the comments to this post.

If you would like some extra practice with phrasal verbs, try this site, and work on several of the exercises - just click on the number at the top. Write down the more useful phrasal verbs you learn.


We also read a text on Alaska and talked about temperature, weather, hobbies and sports. For more vocabulary practice with these look at this website on the weather and temperature.

See you all next week!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Week 3 - Verb Identification Review and Numbers

So this week both the 8am and the 11am groups saw the biography of the actor John Kerr where we identified the various tenses used in biographical writing.

Remember that what is important for this week is that you can recognize the various forms as different. We will look in more detail later about why and how we use each one.

To review these structures again, take a look at this website. You can ignore the section on "future tenses" for now.

The 11am group also had time to go over numbers and mathematical operations. To review the various number forms check out this site.  For practice with mathematical terms try  this site, and for another explanation of ordinals (1st, 2nd, etc) try listening to this video.

Don't forget to leave comments with thoughts, or questions from class.

As for homework - 8am group, finish the verb identification. 11am group, think about starting TAG #44.

See you next week!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Week 2 - Movie Directors and Verbs in the Past

So this week we saw the facts on Quentin Tarantino and Alfred Hitchcock and sorted them by director.

Remember that "He has appeared in several of his movies" is Quentin Tarantino because he is still alive, and so he could still appear in a new movie in the present or future.So the statement is talking about the past, but it's something that hasn't finished yet; something that is still possible.

"He appeared in several of his movies" is Alfred Hitchcock because Alfred Hitchcock is dead, and cannot appear in any more movies. Not unless it's a zombie movie. This is why it's simple past.

Zombie Alfred wants your brain!

To continue practice on this distinction, look at this website which explains the various uses of simple past. Notice that there are exercises to work on in the site.

When you think you have a better idea of how to use these tenses, try working on this exercise, or on this one

If you still have questions leave a comment on this blog post and I will answer your question.

We also saw various forms of questions: present, past, and passive forms. To practice these structures, try looking at this website for an explanation, then try these activities: Activity 1, Activity 2 on responding to questions, and Activity 3 on passive questions.

Again, if you have any questions leave a comment on this blog post and I will answer your question!!!!

Have a great week, see you next Monday!

Week 1 - Introduction

This is a space for you to introduce yourself to the class. Write a short comment in response to this and tell us your name and something about you. This can be anything you want: your favorite TV show/book/movie, why you are studying geology, where you're from, your dream job, etc.

I'll go first....My name is Federico Espinosa, I am originally from Mexico, but I grew up in the USA and have been living abroad for 5 years. My favorite TV show at the moment is the British show "Misfits".

Monday, January 28, 2013

General Information

General Information about the class:

There are 5 TAGs reaquired of you this year. You must do #44 and #45, as well as participate in one discussion group in the Espace Omega. The other two TAGs are up to you to choose from the S2 shelf in the Espace Omega. The paper is roughly this color.

TAGs are due the week before the last week of class. 

Remember that attendance is part of CC, and that you earn your participation points both for the work you do in class (answering questions, speaking in English, doing the work), but also by commenting on this blog with questions or comments about the class.